Table 1 Interface Module Identifiers Accessible to a Task Module Identifier Function void setcom(void) Initializes the serial interface for baud rate, etc. int rxready(void) Returns nonzero if serial input byte is available; 0 if not. int rxbyte(void) Returns serial input byte. int txready(void) Returns nonzero if serial output byte can be accepted; 0 if not. void txbyte(int) Sends a serial output byte. int kbhit(void) Returns 1 if keyboard byte is available; 0 if not. int getch(void) Reads a keyboard byte. void putch(int) Writes a byte to console screen. void cleanup(void) Restores standard bootup interrupt configuration. int comerror Indicates receiver overrun error (bit 0), parity error (bit 1), framing error (bit 2), and ring-buffer overflow (bit 3). Note: All these identifiers should be declared as extern in a task module if modules are to be combined by linking.